Most guys have nervousness and fears when it comes to communicating with a girl. When meeting many men, the question arises: ”What should I talk about with my girlfriend?” Young people want to make a favorable impression on the chosen one, but at the same time, they are noticeably nervous. According to psychologists, the nervousness of guys is provoked by a lack of experience in communicating with the opposite sex. Often it is generated by shyness, fear of being boring, or subconscious fear of rejection. To overcome nervousness, the psychologist recommends switching attention from yourself to the girl and continuing to act, despite internal fears.
Rules For Communication with Girls

To make communication easy and interesting, try to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Make eye contact. How to talk romantically? Girls love it when men look into their eyes. A long look past the girl can spoil the impression. The interlocutor interprets it as boredom and disinterest. Look the girl in the eyes. This will make her feel like an interesting person and encourage her to connect.
- Be confident. Rest assured. usually awkward moments on dates are natural due to the wave of excitement. The girl ended it turned out to be closed in itself. To avoid this, just relax, and don’t focus on the question “what should I say to my girlfriend?”, start talking and enjoy the moment.
- Treat the girl like a friend. When communicating with the opposite sex, guys often feel the desire to appear smarter, more attractive, and more successful. Should not be doing that. Relax, don’t make the best impression, just have a pleasant conversation. Look for common interests, joke around, and ask questions (read on for 21 questions you can ask a girl on a date).
- Talk about interesting topics (read further). To make the conversation flow easily and naturally, touch on topics that will be of interest to the interlocutor. Do not focus on the general questions “Where are you from?” or “What are you doing?”, talk about movies, music, and books. Ask about her goals and dreams. Ask about family, work, school, and hobbies. Ask how she prefers to spend her free time and whether she likes to travel.
- Listen to her. Listening to a partner is key to keeping intimacy in relationships. Try to understand the interlocutor. Ask her leading questions when the conversation hangs. This will show the girl sincere interest, and help understand the inner world of the interlocutor.
Top 7 Topics to Discuss With Girlfriend
We know how often guys ask the question “What should I tell my girlfriend?” on dates. Therefore, here you can find a selection of the most popular topics for talking with a girl from experts of smart-date.fun, you can discuss it for hours.

Traveling is either a pleasant memory, a dream, or a clear position about not wanting to travel, and you can discuss it.
May I ask: Have you been anywhere? And where? What did you like there, and what didn’t you like? Where else would you like to visit? Why?
Do not forget to tell yourself your position, your dreams, and your past funny stories. Photos can be shown if available.
What to discuss with your girlfriend? Traveling is always interesting. Or maybe you even find out that you were at one time in one place, and decide that this is fate.
What is she listening to now? What does she listen to when she’s sad? When is it fun? Her music – is it usually something “in the background”, “dance and rage” or “thoughtfully listen”? What artists do you follow? What did you listen to when you were a teenager, and how did your musical tastes change? Do you like foreign music or Russian?
Future plans

Questions you could ask about this topic: “What is your next financial goal? (Maybe she wants to buy something, go on a trip, get a pet, or treat her teeth) What is more important to you now – career or relationships? Imagine yourself in ten years – where do you see yourself? What do you dream about in a global sense, do you have any dream that you really want to realize? Would you like to move to another country? Why yes, why not?”
“Do you like your job? What exactly do you like about her, what would you like to change about her? How are your relationships with colleagues and bosses? What is your favorite part of your job and what is the most hated part of it? Why did you take this job at all – purely for the money, or maybe there is some higher goal? What would you like to achieve in terms of your career? How are you balancing work and personal life? Are you an ambitious person?”
“What do you like to do, is there anything in particular? What did you like to do as a child? What would you like to learn? What do you think about outdoor activities?”
About her

What is the best topic to talk about with your girlfriend? Do you like it when others talk about you and are interested in you? Here, too, choose the girl herself as the topic of your conversation: sincerely admire her, ask relevant questions, and be sure to emphasize that she is not like everyone else. That from the gray crowd of monotonous faces and characters, only she exists for you. Find some zest in it and unwind it to a universal scale. If you manage to do this, believe me – her heart will belong only to you.
Relationships with children
If a girl is categorically against children, there is no need to condemn her. Perhaps she feels that she is not capable of being a good mother and wants to devote her life to some kind of hobby. At least it’s honest and deserves respect. If a girl talks about children with pleasure, takes care of strangers, and dreams of her own – offer her to buy a few toys, books and go to an orphanage, and work as a volunteer. Mutual concern for someone brings together and fills life with meaning.
What are 21 Questions to Ask a Girlfriend?

You can ask these questions both in person and during online meeting if you communicate on a dating site (most often it is easier for guys to communicate with girls online).
- What do you like most about guys and men?
- Do you want to be famous? How to achieve this?
- What is your ideal day?
- How often should couples call each other during the day, and write mutual SMS?
- Could you marry a man just because he is rich?
- Before a phone call, do you mentally repeat what you are going to say?
- What culture would you like to learn more about?
- What is the most important thing for you in a partner: intellect, appearance, or financial condition?
- What is the most beautiful place that impressed you?
- What makes people truly evil?
- What is more attractive to you in a partner: common interests or a common sense of humor?
- What questions do girlfriends like? This is one of them: “What did you dream about as a child and what is your dream now?”
- Who or what inspires you to get better?
- What movie made you cry the most?
- Have you achieved any goals that you set for yourself in life?
- How many children would you like to have?
- What does a happy family mean to you?
- Have you ever been in a relationship where you were abused?
- Do you like to travel and which countries would you like to visit the most?
- What brings you the most joy in life?
- Do you think a long-distance relationship is possible?
How Do I Tell My Girlfriend I Love Her?

Love is a fundamental thing to strong happy relationships with girls. Of course, a declaration of love is an exciting moment. Feeling shy around the object of adoration is a normal reaction for both women and men. If you are afraid to personally say the cherished three words, use the option with flower delivery or correspondence. To find out the girl’s attitude towards you and reduce anxiety, learn sign language, and observe her behavior around you. Maybe she is also shy and waiting for the first step. How she reacts to unobtrusive touches during a walk or at the cinema, whether she avoids tactile contact, whether she looks into the eyes – the answers to these questions will tell you whether it is worth worrying when explaining.
Nothing captivates the ears and eyes of a woman like your sincerity of words and impeccable behavior in such a delicate matter as love. Do not be afraid to talk about your feelings, take the hands of your beloved in your hands, joke, sing and chat about pleasant things. Intonation, her look will tell you much more than even you expected without the advice of a psychologist.

Final Word
So, before meeting a girl, any man wants to get ready to impress her. But on the date itself, there may be an awkward pause or silence and the man will think “What should I talk about with my girlfriend?”. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you choose some topics on which it would be interesting for you to communicate with a girl. You can also take into account our tips on how to talk to girls correctly. We are sure that you will always have something to talk about with the very one!

Chris Newman is a renowned dating expert and passionate writer. Through his writing, Chris aims to empower readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to build meaningful connections, enhance self-confidence, and overcome obstacles in their romantic journeys.
His articles and blog posts cover a wide range of topics, including dating tips, relationship advice, self-improvement, and personal growth. Chris is known for his ability to break down complex concepts into practical, actionable steps, making his guidance accessible to readers of all backgrounds.
Hey guys, the advice written here is just great! The main thing is not to take it too seriously. For example, on one of my dates, I used the information I learned from this article and kept looking the girl in the eyes all the time. She clearly didn’t like it and left, but the next time I stopped maintaining constant eye contact and everything went great! Have you had any positive or negative experiences with the listed advice?
Hello! I can tell you my own opinion on this subject. When I catch men looking at me, I feel uncomfortable and want to leave as soon as possible. Especially when I know the man well. If a stranger looks at me, I can look him back in the eye and even smile, because I’m sure I won’t see him again. I have peace of mind. I can look a person in the eye for a long time myself, thereby provoking him, watching his reaction, etc. But it has to be my personal desire.
Thanks for your comment, I’ll keep that in mind 🙂